I have been browsing the internet for new accessories and fun home decor and I came across two new recycled magazine products at www.urbanoutfitters.com. They are a recycled vase ($18) and a recycled photo frame ($16). At this rate, we could decorate our entire apartment with recycled magazines. What will they come up with next?
This week's environmentally conscious accessory is for the home. (Yes, I realize that this blog is about fashion accessories, but I make the rules here). I was shopping at Pier 1 last week and I loved their new recycled magazine basket. The basket, made of recycled magazines and newspapers, is handstitched and is a great fabric option for a greener world. The basket sells for $35 (USD) and can be seen online at www.pier1.com.

And remember, when you are done with the mags you store in here, RECYCLE!
Wal-Mart also carries a similar accessory for the home, made of the same recycled newspapers and magazines. This item is a mirror, sold in a square or round shape. The price for either shape is $38.88. For more information, visit www.walmart.com.

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